All authors must presenting in-person at the Symposium and need to provide an MP4 file, along with a pdf of your slide deck, each of these items will be available for the OnDemand attendees that will begin after the Symposium on June 24. The deadline to submit is May 24, 2024.

For your in-person presentation, along with the above submission, you will need to upload your PowerPoint presentation in the Speaker Ready room, Iolani 5 in the Tapa Tower at the Symposium. 

Click each item below for instructions to help you.

Download PowerPoint Guidelines and Template

Presentation Requirements

  • A full-length video (MP4) pre-recorded presentation of the paper (duration: 20 min)- for the on-demand portion of the Symposium
  • PDF file of your presentation slide deck
  • PowerPoint Presentation (20 min) for your in-person presentation

Video Tools

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation. In this, you can show your face through the web cam method (highly recommended and encouraged), while displaying your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software as long as you get a good quality recording, and your final file is in the MP4 format. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

PowerPoint Option

You can also use this two-step method available in PowerPoint:

Create Voice-Over PowerPoint
Convert to MP4 

Audio/Video Files

  • All files must be in MP4 Format. File size should be less than 300 MB.  Follow the recommendations below for optimum playback experience for the
  • Bit rate
    • Do not exceed 2Mbps bit
    • To check the bit rate, right click on the file name, click on properties, go to the Details tab, and look for Total Bitrate. If the bit rate is too high, please lower the quality to “Internet Quality” to create the MP4.
  • Resolution
    • 1280p x 720p recommended
  • Duration
    • Invited and Regular Contributed Paper presentations 18–20 minutes
    • Short Course presentations 40-45 minutes
    • Friday Forum presentations 27–30
    • Please continue to record (without further speaking) for an additional 3–5 seconds at the conclusion of your presentation to ensure nothing is cut-off at the end of your video during playback.
  • Compress the resulting mp4 with a video compression tool. We recommend handbrake, which has a portable and free of charge version:
  • All files must be in MP4 Format.
    • For size, keep below 300MB.
  • Make sure all figures are easy to read; consider zooming in when discussing harder to read tables and images.
  • Please use the following naming convention for your 20 min video presentation:
    • Session number_your name-summary (Family Name)

Tips for Recording

When recording your video presentation, you have the choice to record:

A voice-over slide narration (no video of the author included). This voice-over narration must be converted into a standard video MP4 format.

A video of you talking superimposed over your slides. Here there are two options:

  • A small “Talking Head” in one of the corners of your slides.
  • A full front video recorded in front of a projection screen or similar
  1. Equipment
  • Strong WiFi (or wired) Internet
  • Use a good headset with microphone close to mouth BUT away from direct line of mouth to reduce “pops”. Avoid using your computer’s laptop’s or desktop’s built-in microphone.
  • Do a test recording for a couple of minutes and review the sound and picture quality, MP4 format, and bit rate before recording the entire presentation. Make adjustments if necessary.
  1. Room
  • As quiet as possible
  • Avoid areas that have an echo. Your recording room should be fairly small with sound dampening from carpet, curtains
  • No interruptions (e.g., kids or pets coming in).
  • Plain background to eliminate viewer distractions, no company logos
  1. Attire
  • Business casual (at a minimum).
  1. Presentation slides
  • Do not use small fonts in your presentation as they may be difficult to see on some laptop monitors. All font sizes should be at least 24 pt. unless absolutely necessary
  • Insert slides with main section breaks into your slide deck to make the progress of your presentation easier to follow. In this slide, keep the section you are about to present in black and the other sections in gray (example in the PowerPoint slide template).
  • Within a slide, use animation to make things “Appear” successively within a slide. This creates change to your screen every 5-15 seconds instead of roughly every minute
  1. Attracting and maintaining viewer’s attention
  • It is strongly recommended that you also record, alongside your presentation slides, a non- static video caption of yourself in the lower right corner of your presentation
  • Speak with a lively voice and vary the tone of your voice to keep your talk fresh and interesting.
  • Avoid awkward pauses that last a few minutes
  • Record your presentation with the PowerPoint “Laser Pointer” turned on and use your mouse to move the laser pointer around what you want to focus the listener to
  • Try to sit erect or even, in order to keep your diaphragm open while speaking.

Please note the following:

  • All files must be in MP4 Format.
  • For size, keep below 300MB.
  • Make sure all figures are easy to read; consider zooming in when discussing harder to read tables and images.

Video File Name Examples

20 Minute Video File Name Examples

Please use the following naming convention for your 20 min video presentation:

T1-1_name (Technology Symposium, Session 1, Paper 1)

Session number_your name (FamilyName)

  • C2-3 _name (Circuits Symposium, Session 2, Paper 3)
  • JFS3-4_name (Joint Focus Session 3, Paper 4)
  • SC1-5_name (Short Course 1, 5th presentation)
  • F2_name (Forum, 2nd presentation)

Uploading MP4 Files

Prior to the upload deadline of May 24, 2024, you will be sent the login information to upload.

If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please email